Inclusion and independent contractors

Independent Contractors. Should they be a part of your inclusion strategy? Like many young girls I remember being seduced by the wonderous world of acting and dreaming about glamourous clothes and handsome young men sweeping me off my feet. For a moment there I was wrapped up in this romantic Cinderella like delusion. The bubble…

Let’s Waterfall that…. Have you heard of a new term called waterfalling?

I want you to imagine you are in a meeting about how your business can reduce costs and one person says ‘Let’s waterfall ‘. You have never heard the term before so you look to the person who used the term and asks them to explain. What is Waterfalling? There is an uncomfortable moment where…

The Effects of a Genuine Compliment

Have you ever wanted to give someone a genuine compliment; perhaps a stranger on the street or on a train about something they were wearing or something kind you observed them doing, but have stopped yourself for whatever reason and then the moment had passed? In contrast, have you ever felt quietly delighted when a…

Business Responsibility Map

A process to help facilitate discussion and align business responsibilities with future workforce planning. “Over the past 25 years, 1 in 10 men who lost their job due to big technological shifts never worked again. Today 4 out of 10 unskilled men don’t participate in the workforce.”  Economist Andrew Charlton This statistic is an unintended…

Future of work – Transitioning worker’s skills as a priority.

The world of work is changing and this is happening more rapidly than most of us can possibly imagine. For some, it is about not having time to take notice, for others the prospects are too alarming or irrelevant. For many, they simply don’t have access to the information. As of June 2017, 49{01332a80e2e652688e18927fa9a6162580960d47bc08263a3993439d666dcd52} of…

Does promising a future of less reliable employment pass the pub test?

The defining question many journalists ask politicians on any campaign trail is; ‘Do your policies pass the pub test?’ If a politician went to any pub in Australia, from inner city Melbourne to the back of Bourke, and they asked the people in that pub, this simple question—would Australian’s prefer reliable or less reliable employment—what…